(DPRA Incorporated Manhattan, Kansas, USA, 2010)
Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture Sites
The Federal Facility Cleanup Dialogue regarding US Department of the Interior (DOI) and US
Department of Agriculture (USDA) sites was held on October 21, 2010, in Washington, D.C.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the federal facility cleanup program progress and
challenges and to identify potential next steps for addressing the challenges of federal facility site
cleanups. More detail regarding the purpose of the meeting can be found in Attachment A.
Participants in attendance included federal agency officials from the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), DOI, USDA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and Department of
Energy; state, tribal, and local government representatives; and national and local community
members from across the country that are actively engaged in and/or concerned about the
cleanup program. An updated participant and observer contact list can be found in Attachment
B. The agenda and ground rules for the meeting can be found in Attachment C. DOI’s and
USDA’s presentations, as well as presentation materials prepared by Elizabeth Martin, can be
found in Attachment D.