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The Federal Government Printer, Abuja, Nigeria FGP 85/820091700 (OL 51)
This Edition of the Public Service Rule is a review of the 2007 Edition, which is principally intended to update the rules. Regulations and Procedures in the Public Service and bring them in line with the current trend in governance. The revision of this strategic document of the Public Service on a regular basis is necessary in order to make the service conform with changing times and circumstances. The objective, therefore, is to effectively reposition the service for higher level of efficiency, effectiveness and enhanced service delivery. The main thrust of the 2008 Edition of the Public Service Rules is to ensure that the fundamental ethical issues in the Public Service are strictly adhered to. It is, therefore, aimed at entrenching the issues of transparency, accountability, justice, equity, due process, and the rule of law. All these are very paramount to the conduct of Government business, which all Public Servants must imbibe. As the machinery through which Government articulates and implements its. policies and programmes, the Public Service needs to be provided with the enabling environment to play this pivotal role effectively; although the removal of obsolete rules and regulations as well as the entrenchment of the core values and professional standards of the Service. The long term goals of this review, therefore, is to achieve our national development agenda and collective goal of becoming one of the 20 leading industrialized nations of the world by 2020 through a focused and vibrant Public Service. I, therefore, urge all Public Servants to acquaint themselves with these Rules and Regulations as well as other extant laws for effective Public Service administration and to ensure their application in a manner that would enhance the smooth functioning of the Public Service. (Sgd) UMAR MUS A Y AR' ADUA, GCFR President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, State House, Abuja.
This particular edition has codified changes that became necessary as a result of the implementation of the social, economic and administrative reform programme that this Administration has been undertaking since its advent in May 1999. These reforms include the contributory pension scheme; monetization; due process; public sector procurement; wage and salaries adjustments and awards; etc. Public Servants are implored to study and imbibe these Rules and their associated and complementary Instructions and Notices. and to become familiar with all Laws and Procedures guiding the conduct of public administration and financial management in order to ensure due process and probity in the conduct of Government business. The following should be taken into account while going through these Rules: 1. Method of Numbering Each rule has been given a number containing six digits. The first two indicate the Chapter; the next two, the Section; and the last two, the Rule Number. 2. Arrangement of Chapters, Sections and Ru les There are sixteen (16) Chapters arranged as listed in the Table of Contents. Under each Chapter, is written the Sections ranging from 01-09. At the right hand comer, the titles of the rules are indicated. Except where otherwise indicated by the context, the Index at the back contains the list of topics with their corresponding rule numbers. 3. Amendments Further amendments to these Rules shall be made through Circulars, which will be issued from time to time. 4. Review of the Public Service Rules Public Service Rules shall be reviewed every five years to update the provisions of the rules. This Public Service Rules should be widely circulated to all categories of Public Servants, and Nigerian citizens from all walks of life are also encouraged to avail themselves of its contents. (Sgd) A. I. PEPPLE, CFR Head of the Civil Service of the Federation The Presidency Abuja